Welcome Associate Prof. Fajia Li, University of Jinan, China to be the TPC!

Welcome Associate Prof. Fajia Li, University of Jinan, China to be the TPC!


Associate Prof. Fajia Li, University of Jinan, China


Li Fajia, is mainly engaged in the research of mechanical transmission, mechanical vibration and strength, research of a new type of gear transmission system and Hydrogen Fuel Cell system. Presided over more than 10 crosswise tasks and longitudinal tasks; published more than 20 papers index by EI and SCI, and applied for more than 10 authorized patents. Awarded Zhuzhou Science and Technology Progress Second Prize, 2016 “Double Innovation Program” in Jiangsu funded Double Innovation Doctor, 2016 “Green Yang Jinfeng Project” Talent Helping in Yangzhou; as the deputy secretary-general of “Hydrogen Fuel Cell Branch Chapter of the China Automotive Battery Innovation Alliance” in 2019; as an expert of the Group Standards Committee of the “Fuel Cell Branch Chapter” in 2020, participated in the application, formulation, and promulgation of 6 group standards and participated in the writing of 2 academic books; as the specialist of the“Commissioner of Achievement Transfer and Transformation of Colleges in Shandong“.

李发家,主要从事机械传动、机械振动和强度的研究,对新型齿轮传动系统、轴系传动系统的研究,主持了10余项横向和纵向项目,发表论文20余篇,其中被EI和SCI检索6篇;申请授权专利10余项。株洲市科技进步二等奖一项;2016年江苏省“双创计划”资助-江苏双创博士;2016年度扬州市“ 绿扬金凤计划”人才助人;2019年担任 “中国汽车动力电池产业创新联盟燃料电池分会”副秘书长;2020年被聘为“燃料电池分会”团体标准委员会专家,参与了6项团体标准申请、制定和颁布工作;参与撰写论著2部;2020年担任“山东省高等学校成果转移转化专员”。