2024 7th World Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Intelligent Manufacturing (WCMEIM 2024)

Welcome Associate Prof. Zhongchen Cao, Tianjin University, China to be the TPC!


Associate Prof. Zhongchen Cao, Tianjin University, China


Personal Website: http://faculty.tju.edu.cn/176116/zh_CN/index.htm

Dr. Cao obtained his Doctor of Philosophy degree from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and then stated his academic career as Research assistant and Post-Doctoral fellow in the Partner State Key Laboratory of Ultra-precision Machining Technology. He has published more than 30 papers related to the ultra-precision polishing technology and participated in some domestic academic exchanges and international academic conferences and seminars. Dr. Cao is the reviewer of several internationally renowned periodicals including Optics Express, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Precision Engineering, Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering etc. His research interest is in the main following areas: ultra-precision free-form polishing and abrasive machining technology; material science/workpiece surface integrity analysis; modelling, simulation and optimization of manufacturing processes.

曹中臣博士:男,山东,现就职于天津大学副教授。2012年获哈尔滨工业大学机械工程系硕士学位,2015年获香港理工大学工业及系统工程系哲学博士学位,而后任香港理工大学超精密国家重点实验室助理研究员、博士后研究员。主要从事超精密加工技术与智能制造装备的基础理论、创新工艺及应用研究,得到了一系列具有原理性创新的研究成果,弥补了现行超精密加工领域许多的缺陷与不足。主持或参加国家、部委及横向课题等10余项;在J Mater Process Tech、Opt Express、ROBOT CIM-INT MANUF、Int J Mech Sci等高水平学术期刊第一作者或者通讯作者发表SCI论文30余篇, 申请国家发明专利7项,出版外文专著章节1部;在国内外学术会议做口头报告10余次,并获第十四届切削与先进制造技术学术会议优秀论文奖、17th International Manufacturing Conference in China (IMCC)最佳论文奖、国际纳米制造协会(ISNM)活跃会员荣誉称号;目前为中国机械工程学会高级会员、光学工程高级会员、国家自然科学基金项目函评专家、国际纳米制造协会会员、美国精密工程学会会员、Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)编委、第六届亚太光学制造会议(APCOM) 程序委员会成员、第二届机械工程与智能制造国际会议(WCMEIM 2019)组委会成员、第九届国际光学与电子技术交流大会(APOC2020)程序委员会成员;担任国际著名期刊Optics Express, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Precision Engineering, Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering等的期刊文章评审专家。