Welcome Prof. Shengjun Zhou, Wuhan University, China to be the TPC!

Welcome Prof. Shengjun Zhou, Wuhan University, China to be the TPC!


Prof. Shengjun Zhou, Wuhan University, China


Personal Website: http://pmc.whu.edu.cn/info/1017/13526.htm

Shengjun Zhou received the Ph.D. degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, in 2011. He is a Professor at Wuhan University. His current research interests lie in the areas of GaN-based LEDs, photonics and semiconductors, nanoimprint lithography and direct laser writing with applications in electronic and photonic devices. He was a research fellow at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, from 2014 to 2015. He received many academic awards including the National Youth Talent Support Program, IAAM Scientist Medal, Fellow of VEBLEO, IOP Publishing Outstanding Reviewer Award, IOP Publishing CHINA TOP CITED PAPER AWARD, distinguished Young Scholar of Hubei province, and Chutian Scholar of Hubei province. He has published more than 86 papers and holds over 26 patents. He is Co-chair of the Organizing Committee for IEEE ICEPT 2016 conference. He served as committee member for many conferences.

周圣军,武汉大学教授、博士生导师,国家高层次人才(青年)计划入选者,湖北省杰青、楚天学者。2011年在上海交通大学获得博士学位。长期从事微纳制造与GaN基半导体光电子器件研究工作,主持国家自然科学基金3项,国家重点研发计划课题/子课题3项,国家863重大项目子课题1项,湖北省杰出青年科学基金1项,在Nano Energy、Nanoscale、Applied Physics Letters、Optics Express、Optics Letters等期刊发表第一或通讯作者SCI论文86篇,主编学术专著2部(科学出版社和Springer出版社),获授权国家发明专利26项,研究成果被国际著名半导体行业媒体《Semiconductor Today》和《Compound Semiconductor》专栏报道17次。担任《光子学报》第一届青年编委,第十七届ICEPT国际学术会议组织委员会共同主席。获中国产学研合作创新奖,IAAM Scientist Medal,Fellow of VEBLEO,英国物理学会出版社CHINA TOP CITED PAPER AWARD,英国物理学会出版社'Outstanding Reviewer' Award和第六十届 IEEE Electronic Components and Technology Conference杰出贡献奖。