Welcome Prof. Wuyi Chen, Beihang University, China to be the TPC!

Welcome Prof. Wuyi Chen, Beihang University, China to be the TPC!


Prof. Wuyi Chen, Beihang University, China


Born in 1951, received his MSc from Taiyuan Institute of Machinery (presently North China University) in 1984 and his PhD from The University of Birmingham, UK, in 1994, worked in Taiyuan Institute of Machinery and Beihang University as a lecturer, an associate professor and a professor, interested in the research fields including theory and technology of cutting and grinding, manufacturing process and equipment, etc. undertook a number of NSFC projects, Aviation science foundations, National science and technology major projects of China, published over 300 papers on academic journals and conferences and hold 12 patents,won National defense science and technology award and The second prize of national technology progress award. 
