2025 8th World Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Intelligent Manufacturing (WCMEIM 2025)

Keynote Speakers-WCMEIM 2024

Keynote Speakers


Prof. Youfu Li

City University of Hong Kong, China

IEEE Fellow

You-Fu Li received the PhD degree in robotics from the Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford in 1993. From 1993 to 1995 he was a research staff in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK. He joined City University of Hong Kong in 1995 and is currently professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. His research interests include robot sensing, robot vision, and visual tracking. In these areas, he has published over 400 papers including over 180 SCI listed journal papers. Dr Li has received many awards in robot sensing and vision including IEEE Sensors Journal Best Paper Award by IEEE Sensors Council, Second Prize of Natural Science Research Award by the Ministry of Education, China. He has served as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (T-ASE), Associate Editor and Guest Editor for IEEE  Robotics and Automation Magazine (RAM), and Editor for CEB, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). He is a fellow of IEEE.

Title:Visual Sensing and Tracking for Robots

Abstract: Visual tracking is important for many engineering applications including robotics. Efficient 3D measurement and trajectory tracking presents many challenges. In this talk, I will present our research in 3D visual sensing for trajectory tracking. Different approaches in the 3D visual sensing will be reported. A signature based approach is studied for free form trajectory description in Euclidean space. The signature admits rich invariants due to the computational locality. By implementing the approximate signature, the noise-sensitive high order derivatives are avoided. The trajectory can then be recognized based on the customized signatures similarity metric. To overcome the limitations of traditional cameras in their low dynamic range, high power consumption, and a tendency to motion blurs, a biologically inspired vision is introduced that works asynchronously on pixel levels rather than trapping in frame-rate limitations. This gives rise to a new type of dynamic vision system with its low power consumption, high temporal resolution, and high dynamic range. Some illustrative examples will be presented to show the relevant issues for robotic applications.

Prof. Mingcong Deng

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan

Fellow of The Engineering Academy of Japan, Fellow of IEEE

Prof. Mingcong Deng received his PhD in Systems Science from Kumamoto University, Japan, in 1997. From 1997.04 to 2010.09, he was with Kumamoto University; University of Exeter, UK; NTT Communication Science Laboratories; Okayama University. From 2010.10, he has been with Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan, as a professor. Now he is the head of Department of EE. Prof. Deng has over 550 publications including 210 journal papers in peer reviewed journals including IEEE Transactions, IEEE Press and other top tier outlets. He serves as a chief editor for 2 international journals, and associate editors of 6 international journals. Prof. Deng is a co-chair of agricultural robotics and automation technical committee, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society; Also a chair of the environmental sensing, networking, and decision making technical committee, IEEE SMC Society. He was the recipient of 2014 & 2019 Meritorious Services Award of IEEE SMC Society, 2020 IEEE RAS Most Active Technical Committee Award (IEEE RAS Society) and 2024 IEEE Most Active SMC Technical Committee Award (IEEE RAS Society). He is a fellow of The Engineering Academy of Japan, and a fellow of IEEE, AAIA.

Speech Title: Learning & Operator based Control of Nonlinear Systems with Smart Material Actuators and Sensors

Abstract: Learning based nonlinear control design is necessary to get desired performance of nonlinear systems. Recently, smart materials have been used as actuators and sensors in many nonlinear dynamic systems to realize the reduction in size and weight of the systems, such as piezoelectric elements, shape-memory alloy etc. In this talk, for obtaining desired control performance, based on operator theory nonlinear control schemes for systems with piezoelectric actuators & sensors is introduced, nonlinear control for a system using an interactive shape memory alloy actuation is also shown. Further, current results are shown to combine some learning schemes. 



Prof. Yaowu Hu

Wuhan University, China

Yaowu Hu, PhD, professor at Wuhan University, young leading scholar, recipient of national young talent program. Dr. Hu focuses on laser shock hybrid manufacturing research. From 2012 to 2017, Dr. Hu was in School of Industrial Engineering of Purdue University, doing research in the design, experimental, and modeling of scalable 3D manufacturing. He was a tenure-track assistant professor at University at Buffalo, SUNY, and served at NSF of USA as a panel reviewer. His works have been published at Science, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture,Advanced Materials,Nano Letters,Applied Surface Science, and other high-standard journals for more than 60 times.

Title:Mechanical effects by laser shock and the manufacturing applications

Abstract: This talk will discuss the mechanical effects caused by high-energy pulsed laser interacting with materials, the mechanical responses of metallic materials under such shock waves, and their innovative applications in the manufacturing domain for the purpose of property enhancements of materials. The talk will start with the discussion of high-temperature laser shock peening technology developed by our group, elaborating the characteristics and advantages of high-temperature laser shock peening comparing with traditional room-temperature laser shock peening. Then we will talk about self-armored hydrophobic structures fabrication by laser shock. Finally, the advances of micro- and nano-manufacturing enabled by laser shock will also be included.

Prof. Guryev Alexey

Altai State Technical University, Russia

Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

 Guryev Alexey,Male, born in June 1960, Russian nationality, doctor of Science and Technology of Altai National Engineering University, Russia, currently a professor and doctoral supervisor of Altai National Technical University, Russia, academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, selected expert of China's major talent project. He served as the vice president of the Russian Casting Society, vice president of the Russian School of Metal Materials Science and Engineering and Heat Treatment Society, and standing director of the Society of The European College of Metal Materials Science and Engineering. Mainly engaged in the research of advanced design and manufacturing of key parts of textile and light industry machinery. In 2016, it won the "chime Bell Award" of Hubei Provincial Government,in 2017, he was warmly received by Premier Li Keqiang in Beijing and won the Chinese Government Friendship Award in 2022.

Title:Chemical Heat Treatment of Metals (HTO)

Abstract: This report mainly studies the chemical heat treatment of metal materials for high temperature heating and exposure in chemical active media (solid, liquid, gas), so that the surface layer of the product is rich in some saturated elements (C, N, B, AlCr, V, etc.). The result of HTP is the formation of a diffusion layer, which changes the chemical composition, phase composition, structure, and properties of the surface layer. Changes in the chemical composition can lead to changes in the structure and properties of the diffusion layer.

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Prof. Undrakh Mishigdorzhiyn

Institute of Physical Materials Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 

Siberian Branch, Russia

Undrakh Mishigdorzhiyn, Male, born on April 5th 1984 in Ulan-Ude,Head of the Laboratory of Physical Materials Science, Institute of Physical Materials Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch; Major in Materials Science, Surface Engineering, Thermal-chemical treatment, Boriding, Boroaluminizing, Electron beam alloying, Fe-Me-B coatings and layers, Surface layer quality, Residual stresses, Die steels, Hemp composites.

Title:Electron beam modification of boride layers on the surface of steels

Abstract: The development and implementation of new protective coatings and layers with a specific complex of functional properties are of significant fundamental and applied importance for expanding the performance characteristics of machine parts and tools and increasing their service life. The excellent resistance of boron-based diffusion layers and coatings to abrasive, corrosive, and erosive wear is the reason for their widespread use as protective coatings on parts of high-tech products of power and unique mechanical engineering and in the production of critical technological equipment. Despite the benefits, such coatings and layers have several serious disadvantages, such as high fragility, a small thickness of the modified layer, insufficient quality of the surface morphology, which often requires subsequent mechanical processing. Nowadays, the technological possibilities of creating new materials by common thermal-chemical treatment, like boriding, are practically exhausted. The use of concentrated energy sources, such as intense electron beams, to modify the surface properties of machine parts and tools allows flexible regulation of the microstructure and composition of materials in a wide range. The current research aims to create functional boride layers on the surface of alloy steels by subsequent methods of common boriding and electron beam processing.

Prof. Yajun Liu

South China University of Technology, China

Prof. Yajun Liu was born on September 20, 1974 in Jiangxi, China. Native speaker of Chinese, fluent in English. His Education and Academic Research Experiences is as follows: 

December, 2016- Now Professor in South China University of Technology School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering. 

December, 2009- December, 2010. Visiting Professor in Fluid Power Research Center (FPRC) Purdue University at West Lafayette, USA. 

Feb, 2005 – July, 2016. Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Tokheim JV company in China. 

June, 2002 Ph. D. in Mechanical Engineering. South China University of Technology, Guangzhou,China. 

His research interests include AI technology and its application in mechanical systems (such as hydraulic System for Energy Saving.); Intelligence control and Manufacturing Engineering. Moreover, Prof. Yajun Liu has published more than 270 papers in Journals and proceedings of international conferences. 45 +patents on Mechanical System design and manufacturing.

Speech Title: An Intelligent Fire Detection Technology Based on Acceleration Signal and Machine Learning

Abstract: Fire is a common and destructive disaster in modern society, and traditional fire detection methods have limitations in terms of accuracy and speed. In this study, an artificial intelligence-based fire detection technique is proposed, which utilizes the vibration features of fireproof materials during combustion. Signal processing techniques, such as time-domain analysis and wavelet packet decomposition, are used to analyze the acceleration signals generated during burning and identify unique features that distinguish fire signals from other disturbances. Machine learning algorithms are then applied to train the feature data and perform parameter tuning to optimize the detection performance. The effectiveness of the method is validated through simulated fire experiments, demonstrating that the technique can detect actual fire signals more quickly and accurately than traditional methods. This proposed method provides a new perspective for fire detection technology and has the potential to minimize the damage caused by fires.



Prof. Qiao Xu

Wuhan Textile University, China

Xu Qiao, Professor, Ph.D., and postgraduate supervisor at the School of Mechanical Engineering, Wuhan Textile University. She is a member of the First Youth Working Committee of China Textile Engineering Society, a backbone teacher of the Ministry of Education's undergraduate teaching engineering comprehensive professional reform pilot project, and a senior member of China Textile Engineering Society. 

Her main research interests include digital design of electromechanical products、modern textile equipment and Intelligent Manufacturing. She has presided over more than 20 projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province, China Textile Industry Federation, and enterprises. Her achievements have won the Gold Medal of Excellent Patent of China Textile Industry Federation and the Second Prize of Hubei Provincial Scientific and Technological Advancement in 2023, the Second Prize of Scientific and Technological Advancement of the Textile Industry Federation in 2022, and the Teaching Achievement of China Textile Industry Federation in 2023, Second Prize. As a key member, she participated in projects awarded with the second prize of National Scientific and Technological Progress (2019), the first prize of Hubei Provincial Technical Invention (2013), and China Patent Excellence Award (2014). She has published more than 60 SCI and EI papers and authorized more than 50 invention patents.

Title:Structure and performance research on a non-striking weft insertion system for super broad-width looms, based on an electromagnetic launcher

Abstract: Weft insertion based on electromagnetic launch technology is a novel and very promising approach for super broad-width (6–12 m) (SBW) looms. There are considerable challenges involved in designing such a system, including analyzing the electromagnetic field while incorporating the effect of a clip weft device, and accurately calculating the electromagnetic and motion parameters of the weft insertion mechanism. In this study, an electromagnetic launch, non-striking weft insertion method for an SBW loom is proposed. The electromagnetic field is analyzed with the finite element method and includes the effect of a clip weft device. Simulation of the motion, analysis of the maximum flight speed of the clip weft device and the work done by electromagnetic force are presented. We also describe an experimental model for electromagnetic launch weft insertion and calculate the electromagnetic force required for weft insertion, using analytical methods and numerical finite element methods. Comparison of the results with measured values shows that this electromagnetic launch weft insertion system has good flexibility. In addition, the weft insertion speed required for different width looms can be obtained by changing the current of the coil or the coil stage number of the launching system.